New to Dawnlight

I have a confession to make. I’m not very generous. I hold onto things tightly and worry about having nothing.

God, however, is very generous. He gives gifts with abundance. In the past few months he’s been prying my fingers loose of things. Writing is his gift to me, and he says it’s time for me to share some of his gifts more freely with you.

So this site is a gift to my readers, especially those for whom a few free books is a big deal. It’s also a lesson for me on trusting God’s abundant provision.

You’ll see three categories below. Some books are mine. Some books are classics. Some are contemporary books by other authors. All of them are yours for the taking. Browse. Relax. Download. Read. Share if you want.

The library is open. Come in, find a comfy chair, and stay a while.

–Jill Penrod, Christian author

Romance,  fantasy, and coming-of-age/young adult

Jill Penrod logo with flowery background

Books by Jill

Download a few books by Jill Penrod, including some created especially for this site.

lace and pocket watch for Project Gutenberg page

Project Gutenberg

A curated set of copyright-free books from older days.

Other Authors

Grab some free books from Amazon, Smashwords, and others


Most frequent questions and answers

I’m Jill Penrod, Christian author of over fifty novels. You can buy them wherever books are sold, or you can download a few here.

That’s a good question. For months, every time I opened my Bible God pointed out his generosity and his abundance. Finally I knew I had to give away some books. This world is expensive, and that’s hurting people. So read a good book on me.

Yes and no. Some of the books require an email address for delivery, but that does NOT put you on a list. I don’t have permission to use those emails. However, if you want to know what’s going on with this site, sign up at the bottom of each page for a newsletter about this site and some of the new books I’ve added for you. I will never try to sell you anything on this website or its email. 

Choose my books, Project Gutenberg books, or the ‘other’ category. Browse. If you want to snag a book, simply click its link. You will download nothing here. All downloads take place on other sites, and all are easy. If you find yourself on a site where the book isn’t free, that’s a mistake on my part. Please let me know so I can take that book down. If you have trouble, contact the site where you download. Or you can come back and ask me. Enjoy your books and your browsing time.

Keeping up a website costs a little money. Sometimes God will send visitors to this site who have resources and the gift of generosity. The buttons are for them. The buttons are NEVER about guilt or shame. This site is a gift. I am honored with each free download.

Yes. I have permission to post everything on the site that you see. Project Gutenberg books are no longer under copyright. The rest are under copyright, but that means you can’t sell them. I have permission to give you links to get them for free.

  • Pray for this site. Christian and clean entertainment is under fire. Pray for its protection.
  • Let me know if you find books you love out there for free–Project Gutenberg, Amazon or Smashwords freebies, serialize or online books–anything. I’ll see about adding them here if I can get permission.
  • Share this site. People will only know about Dawnlight through the readers. So share it far and wide. Click HERE for sharing graphics.
  • Donate. If you are gifted with resources, consider the occasional donation. Keeping up this site isn’t expensive, but it’s also not free. 
  • Thank you in advance for your help and support.
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